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Tue, Oct 19 2010 TAKE-A-LOOK-Obama fires back after China slates Fed's QE2
Tweet ThisShare on LinkedIn Share on Facebook0diggsdiggRelated TopicsCurrencies »Global Markets »Mon Nov 8, 2010 5:01am EST

U.S. President Barack Obama defended the Federal Reserve's
policy of printing dollars during a trip to India, after Chinese
officials stepped up criticism ahead of this week's Group of 20
meeting. The G20 summit has been pitched as a chance for leaders of
the countries that account for 85 percent of world output to
prevent "currency wars" from spreading to become a rush to
protectionism that could imperil the global recovery. Double-click on codes in brackets for stories.
The Fed's big gamble -- a PDF:
Basel III; reshaping the rules -- a PDF:
> Obama fires back after China slates Fed's QE2 [nTOE6A7067]
> SCENARIOS-Can G20 make FX,trade progress in Seoul [nSGE6A703T]
> G20 finds common ground opposing U.S. [ID:nN05228458]
> Q+A-What's on the agenda for the G20 meeting [nSGE6A706V]
> China newspaper warns of disaster over Fed move [nTOE6A601T]
> G20 pursues protectionism, poor states hurt [ID:nLDE6A60A3]
> China hopes G20 to focus on global recovery [ID:nLDE6A60DQ]
> US, China step back from tussle on policy [ID:nTOE6A501U]
> US won't seek 4 pct trade imbalance target [ID:nN06143046]
> US' Geithner: India a model for balanced growth[ID:nN07165798]
> APEC: will move to mkt-determined fx rates [ID:nTFF100028]
> Differing Asia FX rises problematic - ADB [ID:nTOE6A600Z]
> Agreements at APEC finance ministers' meeting [ID:nTOE6A501W]
> China, Germany belittle US actions before G20 [ID:nTOE6A403Y]
> Canada pushes G20 for current account targets [ID:nTOD006208]
> France sees G20 "convergence" with China-source[ID:nPIS5ME6DU]
> Inflation fear from Fed focuses on Asia, not US[ID:nTOE6A201T]
> G20 has to give meaning to FX deal [ID:nSGE69O00S]
> US-China:election bogeyman to business as usual[ID:nN02243996]
> Fed's QE2 may make for less cooperative world [ID:nLDE6A30RT]
> G20 cools trade war risk, outcome positive [ID:nSGE69O014]
> G20 will hopefully knock sense into leaders [ID:nN2297623]
> G20 financial regulation agenda for G20 summit [ID:nLDE6A40UR]
> HIGHLIGHTS-G20 finance chiefs [ID:nTOE69M002]
> TEXT-Group of 20 finmins communique [D:nTOE69M01E]
> How can the world tackle skewed growth, FX [ID:nTOE69K01X]
> Steps nations are taking to counter hot money [ID:nSGE69503F]
> Graphic on capital inflows to developing countries:
>interactive graphic on G20 economies:
> Map detailing the G20 nations debt to GDP ratios :
> Package of graphics on currencies, trade and monetary policy:

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