leaders urge G20 to keep decent jobs, World unionWednesday urged the summit of the Group of 20 economic ... 2010

World union leaders on Wednesday urged the summit of the Group of 20 economic powers meeting in Seoul to live up to an earlier promise to put quality employment at the heart of recovery measures.

More than 220 million people are unemployed around the world, the highest level ever recorded, and an increase of more than 31 million over 2007, Global Unions said in a statement.

Around 15 per cent of the total unemployed lost their jobs since 2007 and some 100 million people have been pushed into absolute poverty by the global financial crisis, it said.

G20 leaders meeting in Pittsburgh in September 2009 committed to putting "quality employment at the heart of the recovery."

"But (at the last summit) in Toronto we saw leaders step back from that promise," Sharan Burrow, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) general secretary, told journalists.

She said that in previous G20 summits in London and Pittsburgh, there were "strong words" about financial regulations aimed at preventing global banks from sparking another economic crisis.

Leaders have also made strong commitments to action on global warming and creating green jobs, she said.

"We are still waiting. There are no significant financial regulations. There is significant action on the climate, there is limited action in some countries on green jobs and there is now a bitter crisis of unemployment," she said.

"And so unions and representatives of workers of the world are saying -- this is the test: will the governments put those promises back at the centre of the communique (of the G20 Seoul summit) and will they implement them."

She said global workers were demanding the G20 summit put quality employment "up right at the front of the communique" and to invest in mechanism to create decent jobs everywhere.

Earlier on Wednesday, Burrow and other world union leaders met South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak, who she said had made a "very strong commitment" to creating quality jobs and a fair society.'

"He indicated he would leave discussions... with those commitments," she said.

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