money for AVERT. in the parts of the world What can I do?for AVERT, Raise money 2010

AVERT has AIDS projects in the parts of the world most severely affected by HIV and AIDS. Many of the people affected by HIV/AIDS in these areas are also dealing with other challenges such as extreme poverty, stigma and lack of healthcare. Our work tackles a range of issues such as education, treatment and care. The projects also aim to help the children orphaned or otherwise affected by HIV and AIDS.

There are LOADS of different ways you can support our projects by fundraising for AVERT. Here are just a few ideas:

Sponsored events – Walking, running, sponsored silence, reading or, if you fancy something more high octane, how about a sky dive or a bungee jump?
Organise an event – Office fun day, jumble sale, cake sale, coffee morning, football tournament, concert, poetry night or dance.
Other ideas – Kick a bad habit (e.g. smoking), give up something you love for a month (e.g. TV, chocolate or alcohol!), shave your head, organise a car wash, pub quiz, or auction of people's time and skills.
These are just a few suggestions but you can let your imagination run wild to think of other ideas!

To read more information on raising money for AVERT, find sponsorship forms or make a donation, please go to our fundraising page. You can also see how your money will help by looking at our international HIV/AIDS projects.

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