: New Cabinet, a Jagan, Telengana, AP: New against JaganChief Minister ,

Congress national leadership may take severe actions against the son of former Chief Minister YS Rajshekhar Reddy and rebel leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy.Sources close to Andhra Congress leaders said that national leadership is planning to weaken Jagan's camp by offering key positions in the new Cabinet headed by Kiran Reddy, who was in Delhi to express his thanks to leaders.The new Cabinet may have YSR loyalists with holding key portfolios. Sources also added that YSR's brother Vivekananda Reddy may also get a ministership in the new Cabinet.It is also expected that the deputy Chief Minister may be come from Telangana region, which demands a separate state. Congress calculates that the deputy CM post would soften the Telegana rebellion from its own leaders.Meanwhile, YS Jagan's aides attacked Union Minister Jaipal Reddy for his comments against Jagan. They retorted for Jaipal's comments describing Jagan's actions as undesirable by saying him as the traitor of Congress.

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