Play AVERT's games and for World AIDS Day? Are you sure, Think you know your What can I do? - 2010 ?

Think you know your stuff for World AIDS Day? Are you sure?
The AVERT AIDS Game is a great way to see how much you know about HIV and AIDS. We also have fun games to test your knowledge on sex, pregnancy and condoms. To succeed you'll need skill, quick thinking and a good grasp of the facts. The more you play, the more you will learn. You can then use this knowledge to educate your friends and family.
If you're lucky, you might even make it onto the HI-scores table. Why not send the link to some friends and compete to see who can do best?
Play the AVERT games now and see how much you know.
We also have online quizzes on HIV/AIDS, sex, pregnancy, and condoms, as well as versions to download and print.
The website is packed with resources for learning about HIV and AIDS. As starting points, try our sections on HIV transmission, statistics and AIDS around the world.

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