Christmas greetings ''New Year greetings ''The FGN (Metha) extends .2010

The FGN (Metha) extends Christmas greetings and wishes all a “prosperous” New Year ahead. “As we celebrate Christmas, let us all spread the message of love, joy, peace and hope for the people waiting to be loved and wanted. Particularly, I call upon all Naga Christians to be the messengers of peace on earth and embody Christ’s very nature by practicing goodwill towards all,” stated a message from FGN president ‘gen. (retd)’ Viyalie Metha. The message cautioned against allowing “commercialization of Christmas” in the way of bringing “cheer to those who are sad, joy to the sorrowful and freedom to those captives.” He wished hat the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, “help the people all over Nagaland to recall the Angels saying ‘glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’”(Luke 2:14) Metha also said to be “conscious of the trying times” faced by the people in a span of 62 years. “Within these periods, Naga losses are heavily meted out by the aggressor India. However, the gains we have at the same time are incalculable politically.” The FGN president sad Nagaland “needs righteousness and peace above anything else in the world.” He referred to Proverbs 14:34, 11:11 that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is reproach to any people.” He has called upon all the Nagas to “celebrate Christmas with the true spirit of worship, so that peace reigns in our hearts.”

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