commission according to for 26/11'' probed the Mumbai attacks, 'Indian proposal according to 2010

Pakistan has said it will respond to India's proposal to send a commission to question terror suspects linked to the Mumbai attacks, including Lashker-e-Taiba commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, according to the country's laws. "As far as the Indian suggestion is concerned, that will be dealt with
according to our own laws and we will respond to India in due course," Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit told reporters on Thursday. India has also informed Pakistan that it wants to question Lakhvi and six other suspects arrested and charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act for their alleged role in the attacks.
Asked about Pakistan's proposal to send a commission to India to interview lone surviving attacker Ajmal Kasab and key officials who probed the Mumbai attacks, Basit said, "We are still awaiting India's acceptance of our proposal."
Basit was responding to a question on India's request to access the suspects accused of planning and facilitating the 2008 attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people.
In a communication, India told Pakistan that it wanted to send a commission to get voice samples of masterminds who directed the attackers in Mumbai.

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