goes all out to defend. go allout to defend A. Raja. The sudden ' mood swing' came about ' DMK . Raja' 2010

The DMK has decided to go allout to defend A. Raja. The sudden ' mood swing' came about after DMK chief M. Karunanidhi issued a diktat to the party rank and file to rally behind the disgraced former telecom minister. "Hold street corner meetings in defence of Raja all over the state," the DMK chief asked party workers in a letter on Tuesday.
The ambiguity regarding the party's stand vis- à- vis Raja is now over as the octogenarian finally appears to have managed to bring on board the various warring factions of his family to back the tainted leader.
According to party sources, a group of senior party MPs met Karunanidhi earlier in the day and convinced him of Raja's “innocence". The argument put forward in Raja's defence was that no telecom company had challenged the 2G spectrum allocation and hence the party could sail through the muddle.
The DMK patriarch was reportedly also presented with "proof" of Dayanidhi Maran's role in the anti- Raja campaign.

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