Is Potti Sriramulu Telugu University was set on fire on 1 November Black Day ,, 2010

The Potti Sriramulu statue at Telugu University was set on fire on Friday by unknown group in a broad day light at 5pm.
Knowing the incident police arrived on time and stopped the fire. Deputy Commissioner of Police (central zone) Akun Sabarwal told reporters that the statue was not damaged. The police registered a case on a complaint by the university registrar.
OU JAC leaders justifies the incident saying the reason for the incident could be due to Governments preparations for AP formation day celebrations.
It may be noted that Sriramulu died in December 1952 fasting for a separate state for Telugu speaking Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra people with the capital as Madras city. Later on 1 Nov. 1956 after the formation of Andhra Pradesh State the Seemandhra people revered him as amarajeevi and numerous statues erected all over the state.
The groups fighting for a separate Telangana have called for boycott of the celebrations of the state formation day on Nov. 1. The incident is being seen in connection with that.
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