Jagan To Attack PM 48-hour long deeksha for farmers, former Kadapa MP Y S Jaganmohan .Fact Sheet: 2010

ter his 48-hour long deeksha for farmers, former Kadapa MP Y S Jaganmohan Reddy wants to take the battle right to the corridors of UPA government in Delhi.

In a strategic move, Jagan wrote a letter to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Sigh on Monday, seeking an appointment with him to take up the farmers’ issues. In his strongly worded letter, Jagan pointed out at the inefficiency of the Congress government in the state in addressing to the problems and difficulties faced by the rain-hit farmers.

It is for the first time that Jagan wrote a letter to the Prime Minister after quitting the Congress party. In a way, he has thrown a challenge to Dr Singh. If he denies appointment, then Jagan can go to the roof tops and cry about the indifferent attitude of the Centre. If the Prime Minister gives him appointment, he can hog the media limelight in Delhi as a champion of ,,

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