passengers registering their strong protests. havoc, flight, operations disrupted. Fog plays 2010

'''''''''India[+] 164 recentFog plays havoc, flight operations disrupted
Smriti Advani, Priyanka Gupta, CNN-IBN
Updated Dec 26, 2010 at 12:28pm IST
VideoNew Delhi: A dense fog is playing havoc in the national capital since the dawn on Sunday. Operations at the Indira Gandhi International Airport have been severely hit. This has led to delays, diversions and cancellations of numerous domestic and international flights.

First few flights have just taken off but 50 others have been cancelled since 9PM last night. All flights heading north have been diverted.

Angry passengers are shouting slogans at the Delhi's T3 terminals. The chaos has spread to Kolkata and Mumbai airports as well where Delhi bound flights have been cancelled with passengers registering their strong protests.

Click to play videoNew Delhi: A dense fog is playing havoc in the national capital since the dawn on Sunday. Operations at the Indira Gandhi International Airport have been severely hit. This has led to delays, diversions and cancellations of numerous domestic and international flights.First few flights have just taken off but 50 others have been cancelled since 9PM last night. All flights heading north have been diverted.Angry passengers are shouting slogans at the Delhi's T3 terminals. The chaos has spread to Kolkata and Mumbai airports as well where Delhi bound flights have been cancelled with passengers registering their strong protests.

Also, most flights in the north sector are being diverted. Many passengers who waited at the airport all night lost their patience. Some of them took over the public annoucement system. They had to be subdued by the CISF personnel.

Passengers have complained that the airlines didn’t inform them of the delays on time, while some say that after being told of delays, their flights were eventually cancelled. Due to the unavailability of proper information passengers remain extremely confused.

Civil Aviation Secretary is to hold a meeting at the airport to analyse the situation.

In Kolkata, at the Dumdum Airport passengers, after 15 hours of delay flights are set to take off. Passengers of an Indigo flight scheduled for Delhi staged a sit-in, outside the airline office and shouted slogans after they were made to wait all night at the airport.

These passengers had to spend the night at the Kolkata Airport with the airlines not offering any food, water, or accommodation.

In Mumbai, a huge backlog has been created due to Delhi-bound flights being delayed. Once again, the passengers complain of untimely information by the airlines.
'''''''''''''''''''International Airport have been severely hit. This has led to delays, diversions and cancellations of numerous domestic and international flights.'dense fog is playing havoc in the national capital since the dawn on Sunday. Operations at the .First few flights have just taken off but 50 others have been cancelled since 9PM last night. All flights heading north have been diverted.Angry passengers are shouting slogans at the Delhi's T3 terminals. The chaos has spread to Kolkata and Mumbai airports as well where Delhi bound flights have been cancelled with passengers registering their strong protests.

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