powered Samsung SCH-I520 powered Samsung' ailable through Verizon Wireless.

An alleged snapshot of the smartphone displays an Android firmware version 2.2.1, a front-facing camera and its model number. Apparently, this handset also features TouchWiz. This supposed 4G LTE variant is believed to be announced at CES 2011.
The Bing integration by the carrier is ostensibly not included in this Froyo device. With the Gingerbread gaining popularity now, we wonder if Samsung really wants to risk a device featuring an older Android operating system. Also, the leaked picture suggests this mobile phone is a touchscreen model.
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the name of a novel high-performance air interface for cellular communication systems. This is the last shas now spotted a new handset dubbed Samsung SCH-I520 which sports LTE and is expected to be available through Verizon Wireless.
An allegedtep of the fourth generation of radio technologies. It is said to offer newer and quicker connectivity speeds.
Filled with such features, we can’t do nothing but await the arrival of this Samsung LTE handset.

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