Tamil Nadu CM on banned outfit, LTTE, may have PM, Chidambaram '

Though there is no "specific intelligence" of such attack, the security agencies have taken these inputs seriously as former PM Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by LTTE suicide squad members in the southern state in 1991.

Besides, PM Singh is also likely to visit Tamil Nadu in January to attend some public functions. "Though LTTE is now a weak force and all top leaders were killed during the Sri Lankan army's assault, attempts to regroup by some cadres is a disturbing report," an official said.
Referring to intelligence inputs, sources said, some LTTE cadres, who escaped the wrath of the Lankan army during the all-out operations in the island nation earlier this year, were trying to regroup in India and planning attacks on top political leaders, especially when they travel in Tamil Nadu.

Though there is no "specific intelligence" of such attack, the security agencies have taken these inputs seriously as former PM Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by LTTE suicide squad members in the southern state in 1991.

Read more: PM, Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu CM on LTTE hit list? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/PM-Chidambaram-and-Tamil-Nadu-CM-on-LTTE-hit-list/articleshow/7108935.cms#ixzz3qDl9kIbk
Read more: PM, Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu CM on LTTE hit list? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/PM-Chidambaram-and-Tamil-Nadu-CM-on-LTTE-hit-list/articleshow/7108935.cms#ixzz3qDlHklnLNEW DELHI: The banned outfit, LTTE, may have lost a majority of its cadre during the Sri Lankan army operations, but has been trying to regroup through new recruitments from Tamil refugees and reportedly plans to launch spectacular strikes on high-profile targets like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, home minister P Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi. CM on LTTE hit list?

Referring to intelligence inputs, sources said, some

Read more: PM, Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu CM on LTTE hit list? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/PM-Chidambaram-and-Tamil-Nadu-CM-on-LTTE-hit-list/articleshow/7108935.cms#ixzz3qDlEAUS0.

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