than normal. degrees colder 'New Delhi: three degrees colder . 2011

The early hours of the day also saw a layer of shallow fog around the city.

The cold wave has persisted throughout this week and the maximum temperatures too have slid below 15 degrees Celsius on several days.

Thursday's maximum of 14.5 degree Celsius was a good six degrees below normal.

Tuesday was the coldest day of the season with both minimum and maximum dropping to season's lowest of 3.7 degrees and 12.7 degrees, respectively' 'Tuesday was the coldest day of the season with both minimum and maximum dropping to season's lowest of 3.7 degrees and 12.7 degrees, respectively.

Low temperature coupled with icy winds has made life difficult for the people and the capital has recorded at least three cold-related deaths since December 26.

The weatherman has predicted a clear morning on Saturday with temperature oscillating between 4 and 16 degree Celsius.

According to Met statistics, the record for the highest maximum for the month of January was 32.5 degree Celsius recorded on the January 28, 2004. The record minimum is
-0.6 degree Celsius recorded on January 16, 1935.

Bone-chilling cold conditions prevailed for yet another day in the capital on Friday with the mercury sliding to sub normal range overnight and fog disrupting flight and train services.

Delhiites woke up to a chilly morning with minimum temperature dropping to 4.3 degree Celsius while the day temperature rose to 15.6 degree Celsius, giving a little respite. Friday's temperature was three degree Celsius below normal for this time of year.

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