UPDATE 2-India food ,to year-high. 2011n

Headline inflation had eased to a 12-month-low of 7.48 percent in November after hitting 8.58 percent in October. Consumer Price Inflation in Asia's largest economy, China was 5.1 percent for November. The finance ministry's chief economic adviser, Kaushik Basu, has said monetary and fiscal policy measures may not be adequate to tackle sector specific price rises and the country would have to live with such price rises. Last week, India deferred a ministerial panel meeting to discuss a possible increase in diesel and cooking gas prices.

(Additional reporting by Swati Bhat; Editing by Ranjit Gangadharan)

The government will not increase diesel prices for now, the oil minister signalled on Wednesday, as the government walks a tightrope between reducing the burden of subsidies and tackling public anger over inflation. [ID:nSGE70403G]

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