women employees 'of 2010.protection of women :Bill for protection , employees high point ,, 2011

A major embarrassment over an ad featuring the image of a Pakistani Air Force chief instead of his Indian counterpart and introduction of a bill in Lok Sabha for ensuring protection of women employees were the highlights of an otherwise drab year for the Women and Child Development Ministry.

The mix-up at the end of the ministry in the anti-female foeticide advertisement made the IAF go livid with senior officers complaining that the use of the PAF officer''s picture was embarrassing.
''It would be implemented through a platform of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) projects and Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) initially on a pilot basis in 200 select districts across the country.

Around one crore adolescent girls of 11 to 18 years are expected to be covered under the scheme annually during the initial years. The government has made an allocation of Rs 1,000 crore for SABLA in 2010-11.

Similarly, the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY), extending conditional maternity benefits, was launched in 52 districts across the country on a pilot basis.
. probe into the matter but a report is yet to be submitted.

The Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha in December. It brands the creation of a hostile work environment in the workplace as "sexual harassment" and expressly seeks to prohibit such acts.

The bill provides protection not only to women who are employed but also to any woman who enters the workplace as a client, customer, apprentice and daily wage worker or in ad-hoc capacity. Students, research scholars in colleges, universities and patients in hospitals have also been covered.

The government also launched a new scheme for adolescent girls called the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls or SABLA in November coinciding with the birth anniversary of former prime minister Indira Gandhi to address multi-dimensional problems of adolescent girls between 11 and 18 years.

Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath, however, maintained that the "message was more important than the image".

After Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed sadness over the issue, Tirath promptly launched a probe into the matter but a report is yet to be submitted.

;The mix-up at the end of the ministry in the anti-female foeticide advertisement made the IAF go livid with senior officers complaining that the use of the PAF officer''s picture was embarrassing.

Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath, however, maintained that the "message was more important than the image".

After Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed sadness over the issue, Tirath promptly launched a probe into the matter but a report is yet to be submitted

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