Babu Naidu ' Nara Chandra , Astrological Analysis of Shri .of Popular Personalities ,,Horoscopes . 2010

An Astrological Analysis of Shri N Chandra Babu Naidu - Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Shri N Chandra Babu Naidu was born on 28th February, 1952 at 11.32am. His was born on Thursday and his Thidi is Suklapaksha Chatrudi with Revati 3rd pada of Meena Raasi. At the birth time the remaining period of Budha is 7years 11months and 21 days. Planetary positions are as under at the time of birth: Lagna: Vrushaba Ketu is in Simha, Sani in Kanya, Kuja in Tula, Sukra in Makara, Ravi, Budha and Rahu are in Kumba and Guru and Chandra in Meena Raasi. After careful analysis it is found that the combination of Guru with Chandra causes Gajakesari Yogam. As Guru happens to be in his own house and Yogakaraka Sani focus is excellent. In the 10th house Kendra and Kona combination with Rahu is yoga giving. The present period is Kuja starting from 4th January 2003 and ends with 4th January 2010. The sub-period is Rahu upto 19th June 2004. During this period the reputation may cause concern and accidents may be indicated. He may likely to face health problems and scandals may come up during this period. His inner enemies may tarnish his image and reputation. Every care has to be taken care of on health and political front. These predictions are only an indicative one and need not happen.

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