Babu Naidu ' Nara Chandra , Astrological Analysis of Shri .of Popular Personalities ,,Horoscopes . 2010

Caesar's wife" reference seems a favourite with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He used it on Monday to make his pitch that he had nothing to hide in the 2G scam and that the PM should be above suspicion. Soon after the defeat of the P V Narasimha Rao-led Congress in the 1996 election, Singh had used the phrase at a meeting of the parliamentary party and was then seen as a bid to distance himself from Rao and the JMM scandal enveloping the late leader. It is somewhat ironic that Singh chose to use the same phrase to defend himself at the Congress plenary. While his move to reduce the proximity between his mentor and himself in 1996 was perhaps prompted by sleaze allegations, Singh has since not failed to acknowledge his debt to Rao. While Rao remained persona non grata even after his death, Singh has attended commemorative functions and spoken highly of the late leader's vision and commitment.
var zz=0;var sldsh=0;var bellyaddiv = ' ';

var stindex=100;
var stp=150;
var taglen=0;
var tmp;
var tagcheck = new Array("div","span","br","font","a");
var storycontent = document.getElementById("storydiv").innerHTML;
var firstpara = storycontent.substring(0,storycontent.toLowerCase().indexOf("")).toLowerCase();
function findptt(cnt){
if(zz == 10)return;
var xxx=-1,yyy=-1;
var ccnt = cnt;
for(ii=0; ii ");
if(yyy != -1){
taglen += yyy;
stp = stp + yyy;
taglen = taglen + tagcheck[ii].length + 3;
if(xxx == -1 xxx >= 150){
var tmp2 = ccnt.substring(0,xxx);
tmp2 += ccnt.substring((yyy+xxx),ccnt.length);
if(firstpara.length ")){
tmpminus = tmpcon.length - tmpcon.lastIndexOf("
var RN = new String (Math.random());
var RNS = RN.substring (2,11);
var b2 = ' ';
if (doweshowbellyad==1)
bellyad.innerHTML = b2;

Read more: 'Caesar's wife' to PM Manmohan's rescue? - The Times of India ..................To begin with MMS/SG have used this idiom without knowing the historical context in which this was said supposedly by Ceaser himself. "The associates of public figures must not even be suspected of wrongdoing. Julius Caesar is supposed to have said this when asked why he divorced his wife, Pompeia. Because she was suspected of some wrongdoing, he could not associate with her anymore. Now that the entire UPA is suspected of cheating the nation, they all should tender their resignation.Re

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